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  • josephplatt2000

Auto Suggestion

Auto Suggestion
Auto Suggestion

What is auto suggestion?

Auto suggestions are positive words and sentences used repeatedly to change your perception. It is a self-development method used to create new, positive beliefs about yourself as well as an effective method for ending bad habits. Autosuggestion works by placing ideas into your subconscious and making it believe they are true.

Auto suggestion is the simplest and arguably, the most powerful of the mind programming tools. It is one of those simple mind power techniques that is easy, always accessible, can be done anywhere any time, and requires no special skill or training.

We do it naturally whether you realize it or not, you have probably been using auto suggestion techniques your whole life. If you have ever told yourself to wake up at a certain time, “relax,” “sleep,” “concentrate,” “smile,” “breathe,” or whatever -- you have used auto suggestion.

The problem is that most people use autosuggestion techniques UNCONSCIOUSLY– and often in a way that holds them back from accomplishing what they want. For example, people talk about being “sick and tired” of this or that. Then, they wonder why they feel low and lethargic. Or they bitch that their boss is a pain in the rear, and then they begin to have problems with their lower back. They fail to realize that mind power techniques, used unconsciously also have consequences.

We all need to realize that our thoughts are creative and the words we give them result in actions that can affect our lives – and the rest of the world. We need to stop blaming others for our circumstances and start using the power of our minds to manifest the outcomes we want.

Auto Suggestion


What does auto suggestion do to one's mind?

Autosuggestion is the most accessible way to recondition your subconscious mind to achieve your ultimate goals.

Autosuggestion is not about chasing flowery dreams and believing that they will come true if you just believe in them. Of course, your inner attitude plays a role, but auto suggestion is not magic. You still need to do something about it to make your Achieving goals.

Thanks to your positive mindset and your motivated attitude, however, it will be much easier for you to take all these things in hand and finally become active. Small setbacks will no longer be able to harm you, because you won't let them drag you down. You will become your very own motivation coach, so to speak, and you will keep pushing yourself not to give up and to see the positive things.

Auto Suggestion


The advantages of auto suggestion

Auto suggestion is especially valuable when you find yourself quickly in stressful situations, or perhaps even prone to them, Panic attacks to suffer. If you are practiced in auto suggestion and already have a sense of when such an attack is slowly approaching, you can use it immediately and for Provide relaxation. Auto suggestion helps you to mentally withdraw from the situation for a short time in order to better process what is happening around you. You will put yourself in a calm and relaxed state and in the long run you will even become more mentally resilient. You will succeed in reducing stress more quickly and this will also have a positive effect on your physical health.

It's no secret that stress and psychological strain in any form leave their mark on the body. This manifest itself, for example, in inner restlessness, which in turn negatively affects your sleep. You have problems falling asleep or staying asleep and this robs you of energy. After all, your body actually regenerates during the night's rest. If it does not have this opportunity, it becomes weaker.

For example, your immune system may not be able to defend itself as well against pathogens and you may get sick more often. Other physical complaints that often accompany an increased stress level are headaches, digestive disorders and increased blood pressure. With the help of autosuggestion, you can counteract all of these. And with a positive mindset, you can steer toward mental and physical health - at least up to a point.

Auto Suggestion


When can autosuggestion be a helpful method?

Autosuggestion helps you whenever negative thoughts overshadow your everyday life and prevent you from being the person you would like to be. All this negativity can take on destructive proportions and, depending on how it is expressed, can even prevent you from meeting friends, meeting new people, asserting yourself at work, or even from simply leaving the apartment. Things that used to be taken for granted can turn into frightening matters, thus significantly limiting your quality of life.

But thanks to autosuggestion, it doesn't have to stop there. It works with the power of Habit. Once the thought that you hate going out because you feel like everyone is staring at you or laughing at you has settled in your mind, it has already become a habit. But the goal is to be habitually happy! And you can do that if you influence your subconscious mind with autosuggestion and stay on the ball.

Auto Suggestion


Creating an Autosuggestion

Start paying attention to your self-talk. Whenever you catch yourself in negative self-talk, especially internal dialogue that expresses fear, doubt, or self-loathing, DELETE or ERASE it. Then replace it with more encouraging positive words.

The following auto suggestion technique tips are intended to help you become more aware of your own subconscious mind programming, strengthen your abilities, and help you take more control over your life

1- Identify the things you want to change

Decide what personality traits you want. Identify the bad habits you want to get rid of. Determine the obstacles you want to overcome. Choose something that you really desire. Make sure it is consistent with your other goals, specific and detailed, not harmful to others, and is challenging but realistic.

2- Choose something believable

Make sure the autosuggestion is believable to yourself. If you don't believe it, then it will not work. For example, instead of saying “I make £100,000 per year,” say “I choose to earn £100, 000 per year.”

3- Use emotions

In order for an autosuggestion to work, it must trigger feelings. The more meaningful the autosuggestion is to you, the more effective it is

4- Use the first person

The autosuggestions are for you and no one else. Don't make your autosuggestions based on what you want other people to be or how they think you should be. Make the autosuggestion what you want to be

5- Be positive

Autosuggestions are more effective when paired with positive thinking. Using positive affirmations also keep you motivated to accomplish your goals.

Avoid negativity. Avoid using negative phrases such as “I cannot,” “I will not,” or “I do not want.” For example, use “I am brave,” instead of “I am not afraid.”

6- Repetition

Counter the negative programming with lots of repetition. It can be done silently, in the privacy of your mind, or out loud if you prefer, and the situation is appropriate. Use boring repetitive tasks as an opportunity for programming yourself with auto suggestion. A lot of people like to use affirmations in the shower, while driving, at the bus stop, or on a bus, plane, or train.

7- Avoid creating a time limit

This can cause stress, which will interfere with your meditations and goals.

Auto Suggestion


Autosuggestion is like Self-Hypnosis

Autosuggestion is the basis of most hypnotism. An “autosuggestion” or “self-suggestion” is a suggestion which you give to yourself. It can take the form of a verbal affirmation or sometimes a mental image. Self-hypnosis can be an effective way to improve overall well-being to manage stress and anxiety, through self-healing.

If you want help with auto suggestion, you can try subliminal audio. The simplest way to show how subliminal audio messaging works is to describe it in relation to a more common form of self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis gains access to your subconscious mind by sending you into a trance. And this is where the difference between subliminal audio messaging and hypnosis comes in. Subliminal messaging doesn't send you into a trance, but it also accesses your subconscious mind, bypassing your conscious logical mind. You won't feel drowsy, or need to take a timeout for an hour and enter a sleep/trance-like state. This means that you can use subliminal CDs and MP3s while you work, study, go about your daily chores or even exercise.

Subliminal audio can be used to improve any area of your life - from deep internal changes to improvements in the physical body. For example, you can increase your motivation, boost your self-esteem, treat illnesses and phobias, the possibilities are endless - even subliminal language learning is possible!

Auto Suggestion

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