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  • josephplatt2000

Subliminal Audio To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

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subliminal audio

We get locked into a pattern and repeat the same thoughts or emotions every day. You go around thinking the same thoughts as yesterday and repeat the patterns again and again. Somewhere around 70% of our daily thoughts are the same ones we had the day before, without us realizing it.

To escape from the self-repeating pattern, you must change the beliefs and blocks locked away in your subconscious mind that are holding you back

You have the ability to reprogram your subconscious mind, which is the secret to success. It’s time to decide and commit if you want to live the life you wish. Subliminal audio messages are a highly effective approach to communicating with the subconscious mind and reprograming the subconscious.



Before we look at subliminal audio, let’s look at the mind. The mind is divided into two main aspects – the conscious and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is made up of our surface thoughts, wishes, desires and aspirations. The subconscious mind is the realm of our automatic and habitual thought patterns and beliefs – the stuff we do when we don’t even know we’re doing it.

Right behind your forehead is the pre-frontal cortex – the centre of consciousness. Your identity versus anyone else’s identity. This is your conscious mind. The other 90% of the brain was there before the conscious part evolved, that’s the subconscious. In the subconscious, things happen below your awareness, below consciousness.

If we’re driving along a road talking to a friend in the passenger seat, our conscious mind is the one engaged in the conversation. Our subconscious mind is the one who keeps automatically doing everything needed to drive the car. While your conscious mind is reading this article, your subconscious mind is taking care of everything else – breathing, blinking, taking a sip of tea without burning your lips.

Because of how much time we spend thinking about something other than the moment we are in, we are running our default programs about 95% of our waking life. While some of these programs are positive, empowered and helpful, psychologists believe that majority of the default programs most people run are disempowering, self-sabotaging and limiting.

subliminal audio



Most of our subconscious programming comes from the first seven years of our life. In the first 7 years we are essentially sponges as we exist mostly in Theta brain wave space, which is the most receptive space for our subconscious mind.

Our world is formed by how we experience our reality, and how we see our parents and other key influences respond to life. We learn subconsciously how to act when we’re happy or angry, what it takes to make money, how best to express love, when it’s safe to laugh, to sing, to shine… and when it’s not. We take these messages in from our surroundings and they become our automatic, under-the-surface view of reality. We will continue to form new subconscious patterns as we grow in age, but the undercurrent of these patterns and beliefs are mostly set when we are young.

The best way to identify what subconscious programs you’re running is simply to look at your life, because it is made up of the program 95% of the time. Your life is a printout of the program. The things you have in your life that you love are because you have a program that allows you to accept those things into your life. Anything you work hard at, struggle over, have to put a lot of effort into and it’s difficult, is because your programs don’t support that in your life. Your conscious mind is reaching for it, but something in your program is holding it at bay. The effort and struggle you feel is in trying to override a program. You’re working hard because you want it, but the undercurrent of belief says, “It’s not going to happen.”

subliminal audio



Subliminal audio messages are one of the most powerful and simple methods for directly affecting the subconscious mind. Subliminal audio are stimuli, that are too faint or quick for most people to consciously perceive. The goal is to excite the brain subliminally, i.e., below the level of consciousness and influence thoughts and behaviour.

Though they’re below the threshold of human awareness, they may still stimulate the brain and affect behaviour. In other words, the human brain might perceive and react to subliminal messages without even realizing it.

Subliminal audio could have music or sometimes rain, water & other sounds, with a message that is placed underneath that you cannot hear consciously. Your unconsciousness, however, is able to pick up the message and slowly change whatever it is about you to what the message says.

For example, if you were listening to a subliminal for earning more money, the subliminal audio messages could say “I am finding new ways to make money” or “money comes to me in many ways”.

Over a few weeks or months, you will slowly change. You will notice more things happening in your life through the subliminal audio you chose. For some it works faster, for some, it takes longer.

Scientific research has proven they’re an amazing channel to communicate with the subconscious. Subliminal audio messages have been proven to be the most effective method for achieving meaningful changes over time. People have been using subliminal messages to change many kinds of behaviour, including to quit smoking, improve mood, become more productive, exercise more often, boost self-esteem, and even lose weight.

subliminal audio



You can listen to subliminal audio messages anytime of the day. Just put on a head set or ear phones and go about your day. Listen to them when its best suits you or whenever you have time to listen. But listening to subliminal audio just before bed or during sleep has been proven to have a positive effect on the subconscious.

Our awake body and brain are inseparable from the conscious and subconscious mind. Although before sleep our conscious mind tends to prepare for deep sleep, the subconscious mind is still there. No matter how relaxed we are. Thus, a heard positive affirmation of desire is being analysed.

Listening to affirmations while sleeping impacts you in a different way compared with if you listen while awake, due to the conscious and subconscious mind’s differences. The moment people fall asleep at night, many biological processes in the brain take place. New memories get stored, while toxic and unnecessary information is removed. It starts from the sleep state of the first 70-100 minutes of sleep. Better known as the first sleep cycle. During this stage, the mind goes through complex processes, through which our conscious mind switches off. While the subconscious mind is never sleeping, it's always listening and taking everything word by word, it reaches its peak and becomes the most active when we sleep. It continues to capture what is going on in our surroundings. And affirmations aren't an exception there. While we are sleeping the subconscious absorbs and believes in every affirmation because at this point there is no one blocking the subconscious mind. By reaching only the subconscious mind it's possible to change not only your attitudes but also beliefs of life or even the negative mindset. That's why affirmations while sleeping are so powerful.

subliminal audio



Using subliminal messages is very similar to working out at the gym. You can’t get results right away, or get disappointed if you haven’t noticed any improvement just after one week. It takes time to strengthen your muscles, increase stamina and turn your body into a fat burning machine.

The same thing with mental muscles, you work out your mental muscles repetitively and consistently. This is the only way to ensure a long-lasting subconscious mind shifting.

To achieve the most out of subliminal audio, it is recommended to listen to one subliminal audio every day and night for at least 30 days. Sometimes 30 days isn't enough for the mental loop of subliminal affirmations to form. That is because your mind is constantly filtering and bringing to your attention information and stimuli that reaffirms your pre-existing beliefs.

Therefore, if you have been listening to your subliminal daily for 30 days, and have not noticed any changes whatsoever, keep listening. It may take a while, and you may end up reverting back to your old self, but if you're consistent then you're reinforcing this new pattern of thoughts.

Eventually, as you've been consistent with the subliminal audio, you will have implanted new beliefs into your subconscious mind, which will shape your reality, and you will no longer need to listen to the subliminal. Those affirmations will become part of your mind, because you find it easier to remember. It's now part of your memory.

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