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  • josephplatt2000

Its Already Yours

Its Already Yours
Its Already Yours

Do You Know that Your Desire - its Already Yours

Do you believe that your desire is already yours?

Believing that your desire is yours is the most important piece of the puzzle because unless you do, it won’t be possible for you to manifest it. Believing that what we are asking for is already ours is how we manifest.

So, what does it mean exactly when we say it is already done and how this can improve your faith in manifesting? I will attempt to answer this question about its already yours.


Its Already Yours

All Possibilities Already Exist

Another popular statement is that creation is finished, but do you really understand what it means? Creation is finished means that whatever scenario, whatever situation, whatever plan, whatever object you can imagine, already exists. If it didn’t exist, you wouldn’t be able to imagine it in the first place. The only reason that you can imagine it it’s because there is a reality where what you want and imagine already exists.

All possibilities already exist, which means that depending on what you are going to imagine, you will choose one of all the possibilities that are available to you. All the possibilities already exist, and it’s by using your imagination and thoughts that you are making it true for you. In your imagination it’s done, so your desire is done. Actually, you don’t even have to do anything else but believe that it is.

You are the only one who can decide that you do not want to choose that outcome. More times than not, you’re doing this unwillingly, because you do have a desire, but by having doubts, fears, and other resistance, you are choosing the absence of your desire rather than its manifestation.

An example could be let’s say that you want to manifest the love of your life, all the possibilities about that person already exist. That person could end up marrying you, that person could end up with someone else, that person could end up single for the rest of their life, and many other possibilities… Now, YOU, by imagining your wish fulfilled, you are going to activate the possibility that you imagine, among many others. You are going to say to your God-Self, OK, I choose this possibility. And since that possibility already exists, it is yours. And it is yours the moment that you choose it.

“All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled. Neville Goddard”


Its Already Yours

You Desire is Devine in Origin and it is Yours

Your desire is Devine in origin and it is yours because it’s law. You wouldn’t have the desire in the first place if you couldn’t have or achieve such desire. So if there is anything or anyone that you want to have in your life right now, you need to know once and for all that it is already yours. The only thing that stands between you and what you desire it’s your ego-human-self and its logical mind that has been programmed to believe the opposite because we have lied to you our entire life.

Society at large doesn’t know and doesn’t teach that we are Gods and that we create what’s in front of us. The world that was portrayed to us since we were born was one of hard times, hardship, and all that negative stuff. On the other hand, we were told to believe that “if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” No wonder that with such heavy beliefs hanging over our heads since we came into this world, we have created a life that hasn’t been very easy on us.

But now that you know the truth, you need to leave behind pretty much everything that you used to believe in the past, because for the most part it is not going to serve you.

You are not this powerless, defenseless human being that you were taught to believe that you are. You are God of your reality and you have created (manifested) your whole world. All you had to do is assume that it was and it was. Because even though you are seeing your body, you are not your body, you are not your thoughts, you are not even your mind, you are God,. You are Awareness. And you create with your thoughts.


You Don’t Have to Lift a Finger

Our minds have been trained to believe that life is tough, that we need to work hard to get what we want, that we can’t have it all, that there is such a thing as “too good to be true,” and all such limiting beliefs that we have been raised to believe. So, it is no wonder that when we come to the teaching of the law of assumption, we have to overcome many doubts at best.

Whether you want to manifest a specific person, money, health, a car, a house, living in another country, etc. The moment that you have the desire for it, it is already done. It is already yours. By having the desire, you’re saying, I want this, I am choosing this. And unless you create a resistance to it, it is on its way to you, because it is done.

You might be thinking, this is great, but then, why is it that I have a desire and can’t seem to be able to manifest it? The reason why you’ve not been able to manifest your desire for weeks, months, or even years, it’s because of the very fact that all the possibilities already exist. So, you, by choosing a certain feeling, or state you are going to manifest its match, even if you’re doing it more unconsciously than consciously. So, a feeling of a lack will manifest more lack. A feeling of doubt will manifest doubt. A feeling of not having will manifest not having.

When you have a desire, it’s like you are sending your order, I want this, but then, every time you doubt, you are sending the message, hold on on that order, I’m not ready. And as the operant power that you are, that order will be held until you are ready to release your resistance. This is why you have probably noticed that when you have a desire or send an intention to which you have zero resistance it lands on your lap in no time because you’re not putting a hold on that desire.

This is what living in the end is all about. When you order something (buy something), you make your order, and then you know that it will be sent to you. All you have to do is wait until you receive it. But while waiting, you do not say, where is my order? I hope that my order is coming? How can I be sure it’s coming? You do not do that, because you know that it’s coming, you are actually living in the end of getting that order. This is exactly what you need to do with your desire.

It’s already done, it just means that your desire is yours. All possibilities that you can imagine already exist and all you have to do is pick and choose which one you want. This is why manifesting is easy and effortless. Only we make it hard at times because we are getting in our own way with our fears and doubts. Just let go of the fear and release the doubts and your desire will harden into fact.

“If you assume success and persist in that assumption you cannot fail. That is the law. – Neville Goddard”


Its Already Yours

What is inspired action?

If you follow the Law of Attraction, you’ve likely heard the phrase inspired action throughout your manifestation journey. One of the key components of manifesting your dreams is to take inspired action towards your dreams and desires.

But what exactly does this mean? What is inspired action?

Have you ever noticed that you can have a great idea, but it never seems to go anywhere? Or when you ask the Universe to help you manifest a goal – weight loss or manifest a partner, but it seems to fall flat?

Inspired action is the bridge between thought and reality. It’s the bridge between asking and receiving. All of this simply means you are doing something, not sitting around waiting for things to happen.

Inspired action occurs when you tap into your intuition and subtle energy around you that inspires you to do things just a tad bit differently than before. When you follow your intuition and take inspired action, you allow your dreams to manifest, often in unexpected ways. It may not look exactly as you had thought it would, but if you trust the Universe’s guidance, there’s a good chance it’ll turn out even better than you believed.

Your intuition helps you tap into the wisdom of the universe and make decisions that are aligned with your values and goals. Many people describe intuition as a “gut feeling” or “inner knowing” that guides them. You can think of intuition as a kind of inner compass that helps you navigate through life. Just as a compass points you in the direction you need to go, your intuition points you toward actions and choices that align with your values and goals.

Have you ever felt a deep inner knowing about something? An inspired step is action derived from your inner knowing. It’s when something deep within calls you to take action, even when it doesn’t make sense. Inspired action is based on surrendering to the guidance of the Universe and listening to the call of your inner knowing.

By not taking that inspired step, you may be blocking your manifestations from fully forming in your reality.

As an example, let’s use the situation of manifesting weight loss. You can ask the Universe to help you lose weight and even visualize what that looks like for yourself. But if you don’t take any action on it, nothing will happen.

However, if you follow the proper steps to whatever your chosen manifestation method may be, then pay close attention to gentle nudges or energetic shifts that you experience, you will find that you naturally and automatically want to do things that bring you closer to your goal.

For example, maybe you’ll suddenly want to take a walk in the park instead of watching television. Or, you’ll find yourself choosing healthier food options and wanting to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet.

These are all signs that you’ve tapped into the power of inspired action and are actively taking steps toward manifesting the life you desire!

Its Already Yours


Don’t Doubt Your Desire

Assume and believe that it is done, don’t doubt your desire. No matter what it is. Whatever you want to happen in your life, whether it’s getting healthy, wealthy, traveling, moving to another country, or getting married to your specific person, you can have it. As a matter of fact, it’s already yours. if it wasn’t, you wouldn’t have the desire to start with.

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