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  • josephplatt2000


law of assumption
law of assumption

What is the law of assumption

Most people believe that they'll be happy and fulfilled once they've achieved their life goals and fulfilled their aspirations.

The law of assumption takes the reverse approach to this - it states that if we act and feel as if our goals and aspirations have been met, they will manifest. You always go to the end, and the end is where you begin.

What we assume to be true is what we will eventually manifest into reality.

Our assumptions about life have immense power to positively or negatively impact the fulfilment of our wishes and desires.

With the law of assumption, what we assume to be true will actually come true.

law of assumption


Imagination is creation

The law of assumption maintains that everything that exists was once imagined.

For instance, the chair that you are sitting on was once in someone's imagination; it has now "hardened into fact" and become a reality. Hence, if one can imagine something, one can manifest that thought into reality. Essentially, imagination is creation. If we can imagine it, feel it, sense it - it has no choice but to make its way into our reality.

law of assumption

So, how do we make the law of assumption work? You always go to the end. Imagine ahead of your evidence.

Let's say that there's a particular job that you want. Go to the end. Imagine that you have that job. How does it feel? What sort of person are you? Bring this into your imagination as vividly as you can. It doesn't matter if your current reality doesn't match your imagination. Put your doubts and limiting thoughts aside. Your imagination is a powerful force of creation. If you can persistently imagine something, it has no choice but to enter your reality. This is the law of assumption in action.

The subconscious can not determine reality from imagination. It assumes that what you think and feel are true. Feelings naturally arise from that which we believe to be true, and it's these feelings that are the catalyst for manifesting your dreams. If you can feel it and sense it, and if you can do this persistently, it will manifest in your reality.

Follow these 3 steps below to use the Law of Assumption

law of assumption

1 - Write Down Your Desire

The first step to using the Law of Assumption is to describe the desire you want to manifest.

If you have multiple things you want to manifest, simply pick one to focus on for now. The best way to manifest is to focus on one thing at a time.

Take some time to write down the desire you’d like to manifest.

Use your five senses to describe the experience of your desire and add specific details to it.

The more specific you are, the easier it will be to imagine the feeling of what it’s like to experience your desire.


law of assumption

2- Imagine The Feeling Of Your Desire

The second step to using the Law of Assumption is to imagine the feeling of your desire.

It’s not enough to just think about or write down your desire. To change your internal state, you must immerse in the feeling of your desire being fulfilled.

This is where the power of your imagination comes in. Your imagination has the power to change your reality by changing your internal state. The more vividly you can imagine yourself experiencing your desire in your mind, the more quickly you will be able to experience it in the physical world.

Use what you’ve written down in the first step to visualise how good it feels to experience your desire.

For example, if you want to manifest a new job, don’t just think about your shiny new corner office or your fancy job title. Go beyond the form by imagining how good it feels to work in a career that truly aligns with your passion.

Focus on emotions with high vibrations such as joy, happiness, or passion.

You can even take it to the next level by imagining how your manifestation can elevate the spirits of your family, loved ones, and friends.

The feeling is key and the better you feel, the easier it is to change your assumptions.

You have to be willing to suspend your disbelief and limiting beliefs and allow your imagination to transform your assumptions about the world.

Remember that whatever you assume is true will become your reality.


law of assumption

3- Assume Your Desire Is Fulfilled

The final step to using the Law of Assumption is to assume your desire is fulfilled.

Just live your life under the assumption that your desire is already accomplished.

If you can cultivate the feeling of your desire in your mind with ease, it means that you have already achieved your desire internally.

When your internal state changes, your external reality must change along with it because the world is simply a projection of your consciousness. By maintaining the assumption that your desire is fulfilled, the physical manifestation of your desire is sure to follow.


Bottom line

Remember, the law of assumption states that whatever you assume to be true will be true for you. So, if you want to manifest your dreams, start by assuming that you are already what you want to be.

Take the 3 action steps towards your goal and watch as your manifestations come to life!

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