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Subconscious - How to reprogram

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

Subconscious - How to reprogram

Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is like a huge memory bank. It permanently stores everything that ever happens to you, and its capacity is virtually unlimited.

By the time you reach the age of 21, you’ve already permanently stored more than one hundred times the contents of the entire Encyclopaedia.

Do you remember when you tried to ride a bicycle for the first time?

Have you ever tried to master a new musical instrument?

Most likely, first attempts to synchronize a new set of complex actions are always difficult. Once we become more skilled, these movements start to require less conscious awareness until everything begins to flow naturally.

All these automatic movements are guided by one of the most powerful inner forces which drive human behaviour – the subconscious mind. Under hypnosis, people can often remember, with perfect clarity, past events that happened many years before.

But why don’t we actively recall everything our subconscious minds hold? While your unconscious memory is virtually perfect, it is your conscious recall that is suspect.

The exciting news is we can use our conscious minds to reprogram our subconscious minds and harness the power of positive thinking to overcome negative thoughts and bad habits to achieve all of our life dreams.


What Is Your Conscious Mind Vs. Your Subconscious Mind?

The conscious mind can be described as whatever you are currently aware of.

What you are feeling, doing, seeing, touching, experiencing. You are conscious of it, or aware of it.

Consciousness does not involve stored information and its what is happening now.

It does involve thinking and making decisions. It is easy to control your conscious mind because you are able to use it to make choices.

your subconscious mind is always working in the background, but you are not necessarily aware of it. Sometimes called the unconscious mind, your subconscious mind contains all of the stored information of everything you have ever experienced.

The subconscious mind is the powerful secondary system that runs everything in your life.

The subconscious mind influences how you react to things, such as why you are shy, lazy, eat too much, or have an addiction. On the positive side, your subconscious mind also affects things like why you are motivated, confident, successful, cheerful, hopeful and so on.

Learning how to stimulate the communication between the conscious and the subconscious minds is a powerful tool on the way to success, happiness and riches.

Learning how to use the two together is powerful for manifesting all that your desire


How to communicate to your subconscious mind

Since your subconscious mind has such a great amount of control over your positive and negative behaviours, the key is to train your brain to produce more positive behaviours.

This is where your conscious mind comes in. You can use your consciousness to reprogram or retrain your subconscious mind to do things that are more beneficial to your world now and for your future.

Using your conscious thoughts to program your subconscious mind can bring you the success in all areas of your life that you are looking for.

Only the thoughts that are conveyed with genuine emotions make it to the back of your mind. And only the thoughts that are backed up by a strong emotion stay there.

This is true both for the negative and the positive emotions. And also, unfortunately, the negative emotions are usually stronger than the positive ones.

Your first step in harnessing the power of the subconscious mind is to eliminate the thoughts loaded with negative emotions. You also need to stop the negative self-talk or at least make sure that it is not loaded with emotions.

Your fears often tend to come true, especially when you are very emotional about them. And this is why negative self-talk could produce such harmful effects. Eliminating these negative thoughts, or countering them as soon as possible is very important step towards success.

One of the best practices in reducing negative self-talk is the counter technique. Every time a negative thought comes to your mind, you counter it with the extreme positive counter-thought. For example, if you have an important presentation and you think to yourself: “I am going to embarrass myself in front of all those people”, immediately counter it with: “NO! I am going to be so good that the audience will applaud me for five minutes”. The truth will often be somewhere in between.


Subconscious - How to reprogram

Positive Tools to Help You Tap into Your Subconscious Mind

Apart from the counter technique, there are many things you can do to reprogram your subconscious mind on a daily basis. Be proactive by incorporating them into your routine. Here are some of the most successful ways to harness the power of your subconscious mind with your conscious efforts.

  • Power of Positive Thinking

Your subconscious mind is subjective. It does not think or reason independently; it merely obeys the commands it receives from your conscious mind. Just as your conscious mind can be thought of as the gardener planting seeds, your subconscious mind can be thought of as the garden, or fertile soil, in which the seeds germinate and grow.

This is why harnessing the power of positive thinking is important to the foundation of your entire thought process. Your conscious mind commands and your subconscious mind obeys. Consciously choose to feed your subconscious with positive, empowering thoughts.

  • Positive Affirmations

Your subconscious mind makes everything you say and do fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept, your “master program.”

This is why repeating positive affirmations are so effective — you can actually reprogram your own thought patterns by slipping in positive and success-oriented sound bites.

Start every day with a positive affirmation. Say one each time you are faced with a roadblock or challenge.

  • Inspirational Quotes

Reading inspirational quotes is so impactful for people committed to positive thinking.

By focusing your thoughts on uplifting words and ideas, your subconscious will begin to implement a positive pattern in your way of thinking and your outlook on life.

  • Become self-aware

Self-awareness is key, as Self-awareness focuses on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don't align with your internal standards. Self-awareness lets you Know exactly who you are and you learn about yourself.

You will learn what works for you and how you function. This will bring immense clarity, focus & direction to your life. Clarity is necessary to reprogram your mind for what you want.

  • Working on the Breathing

Lie down your back, keep both legs apart and arms extended from your body. Keep your palms facing down and relax. Find a place where there is no disturbance. Keep your phone aside and try to focus on the positive things.

Here are the ways tips for working on the breath:

1. Take a deep breath and then exhale. While exhaling, feel the wave of relaxation going through. Let go of all the negative thoughts and tensions.

2. Do the breathing seven times. It will help in improving conscious awareness. Each you take a breath, imagine yourself going into a deep state of relaxation. Continue doing this until your body is entirely tension-free.

When the individual reaches a state of peace, the subconscious mind doesn't have to work hard on things like the movement of the muscles.

  • Habits of Highly Successful People

For those looking to expand their realm of comfort zones, I highly recommend considering the habits of successful people as they are the patterns commonly adopted by the minds of great leaders and thinkers. Unlocking the power of these behaviours will put you one step closer to being able to make the same things happen in your life.

Subconscious - How to reprogram


Bottom line

The subconscious mind is one of the most powerful tools to achieve success and happiness in life. If you want to create a difference in your life, it is time to reprogram your mind and take control of your habits.

Using the above techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind will help you become a newer, better version of yourself. You will believe in yourself because your confidence will no longer be challenged by fear of the unknown.

But more importantly, doing so will train your brain to be in line with your true desires, dreams, and life goals.

The more in tune with your subconscious you become, the closer you will be to breaking through to success. Be persistent and You will witness miracles and magical things happening!


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